Saturday, October 23, 2004

Deficit Decline

Jack Kemp--Deficit declines $100 billion:

""Looking ahead to the next four years, our goal should be economic growth rather than reducing deficits per se. If growth is the goal, then tax increases, trade restrictions and nationalized health care are the wrong choices. If long-term growth is our goal, then we will reject tax-and-spend redistributionist policies masquerading as fiscal discipline; and, if long-term growth is our goal, we will continue to pursue lower tax rates on all Americans, free trade, less regulation, tort reform and entitlement reform. Those are the right choices. ""

(emphasis mine)

[Via Kudlow's Money Politic$]

Thursday, October 21, 2004

The John Edwards Fan Club

" "Why, I asked, should we carry a $100,000 medical school debt, stay in school for 8 to 12 years, work long hours during and after residency, and fight the bloated bureaucracy of the health care system, when we can get rich quickly by following John Edwards? So here is what I proposed. We physicians should take turns suing one another..." "

[Via Point Of Law Forum]

NEJM -- Bankrolling Stem-Cell Research with California Dollars

NEJM--Bankrolling Stem-Cell Research with California Dollarscontains a very informative passage about how stem cells are obtained:

""What is at issue here is that the derivation of an embryonic stem-cell line requires the dissection and culturing of about 30 cells from the core of a blastocyst, a microscopic early-stage embryo comprising fewer than 200 cells. The derivation process kills the embryo, even as the stem cells persist and propagate. The embryos themselves are obtained from in vitro fertilization (IVF) clinics, where excess embryos are typically produced in the course of assisted-fertility procedures. An estimated 400,000 IVF embryos are currently in frozen storage and will eventually be discarded, except for those that are donated, with informed consent, for use in research. Some religious conservatives and opponents of abortion have taken a firm stance on what seems to be tenuous, ultimately unsustainable moral, ethical, or logical ground: acquiescence to the discarding of excess IVF embryos, coupled with rigid opposition to the use of embryos for biomedical research.""

The same issue contains another article titled Embryonic Stem-Cell Research — The Case for Federal Funding. Both are available free (kudos to NEJM for this).

Have You No Shame Senators? - Judson Cox

Have You No Shame Senators? - Judson Cox:

" "Sen. Kerry also sought to take advantage of Reeve's tragedy. According to Tribune National Correspondent, Jill Zuckman, Kerry claimed Reeve called him on the night of the second debate, and left a message thanking him for supporting stem cell research. The excitement in his voice was really just palpable. He was just thrilled at where the discussion of stem cell research had come to." Reeve had already fallen in to a coma at the time Kerry claims he called. Kerry's willingness to exploit people and situations knows no bounds." "

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Must Read: Tommy Frank Sets Kerry Straight

New York Times: War of Words

" "...But the gravest danger would result from the withdrawal of American troops before we finish our work. Today we are asking our servicemen and women to do more, in more places, than we have in decades. They deserve honest, consistent, no-spin leadership that respects them, their families and their sacrifices. The war against terrorism is the right war at the right time for the right reasons. And Iraq is one of the places that war must be fought and won. George W. Bush has his eye on that ball and Senator John Kerry does not." "

Tommy Franks Sets Kerry Straight. 'Honest, consistent, no-spin leadership.' I love it. Hey, anybody got Chris Matthew's phone number?

[Via Captain's Quarters]

Monday, October 18, 2004

How Technology Failed In Iraq

MIT Technology Review: How Technology Failed In Iraq

" “Next to the fall of Baghdad,” says Marcone, “that bridge was the most important piece of terrain in the theater, and no one can tell me what’s defending it. Not how many troops, what units, what tanks, anything. There is zero information getting to me. Someone may have known above me, but the information didn’t get to me on the ground.” Marcone’s men were ambushed repeatedly on the approach to the bridge. But the scale of the intelligence deficit was clear after Marcone took the bridge on April 2." " Kerry Falsely Claims Bush Plans To Cut Social Security Benefits

Kerry Falsely Claims Bush Plans To Cut Social Security Benefits

" "It's not Bush's plan, and it wouldn't cut benefits.


A Kerry ad claims "Bush has a plan to cut Social Security benefits by 30 to 45 percent." That's false. Bush has proposed no such plan, and the proposal Kerry refers to would only slow down the growth of benefits, and only for future retirees. It was one of three possible "reform models" detailed by a bipartisan commission in 2001.

The ad also says nothing about what Kerry would do to address the troubled state of Social Security finances. Unless taxes are increased, the system's trustees say currently scheduled benefits would have to be cut 32%." "

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Kerry Blames Bush For......Vaccine Shortage?

I sense the Kerry campaign is growing desperate.

" "Kerry accused Bush of missing signs that a flu vaccine shortage was imminent." "

Okay, Senator, but only if you promise to accept responsibility for every bad outcome, drug shortage, and lack of promised savings on importing drugs from Canada.

[Via Yahoo News] Kerry Exaggerates Role in Some Key Legislative Battles Kerry Exaggerates Role in Some Key Legislative Battles

" "The Associated Press last July found that only eight laws had Kerry as their lead sponsor, five of them "ceremonial," two relating to the fishing industry, and one providing federal grants to support small businesses owned by women." "

Twenty years. Part of why Democrats are so upset is that their primary system left them with a loser like this. I'd be upset, too.

Bill Kristol: 'Fair Game'

"Fair Game"

" "Does he really think they will believe that he singled out Mary Cheney because he "was trying to say something positive about the way strong families deal with this issue?" Does he think they will accept his claim that he was saying something about the Cheneys' "love of their daughter"? Of course, he wasn't. In his answer, he never mentioned or came close to mentioning the Cheney family, or the Cheneys' love. He merely brought up Mary Cheney as a lesbian, out of left field, in order to get her name and sexual orientation into an answer where no such citation was expected, called for, or remotely appropriate. His campaign manager let slip the truth when after the debate she told Fox News's Chris Wallace that Mary Cheney was "fair game." "

Just How Many Bills Has Kerry "Passed?" said Kerry passed five bills. Kerry said he's passed 56. Who's right? That depends on the definition of "passed" and "bills."

Morning Java: Crop Circles, Space Aliens, and a Draft

Morning Java: Crop Circles, Space Aliens, and a Draft:

""What do you say to someone who continues to believe that the sky is green, even when presented with a color wheel, a scientific explanation, and perhaps 264 signed affadavits to the contrary?

What do you say to someone who continues to defend his theory that crop circles are a warning system sent by aliens, even when presented with video evidence of "crop artists" caught in the act of creating said crop circles, admissions of guilt as to when, where, and how the circles were created, and perhaps 264 affadavits signed by witnesses to said crop circle creation?

What do you say to someone who continues to believe that a liar and a traitor is a "war hero," even when presented with documentation, audio and video recordings, numerous witness testimonials, and 264 signed affadavits to the contrary?

I think you'd have to say either "You obviously are not interested in the truth" or "You've obviously lost your marbles."""

[Via Shape of Days]

Retired Gen. Franks On The Violence In Iraq

Yahoo! News - Retired Gen. Franks Criticizes Kerry:

""In an interview before the rally, Franks said he doesn't foresee an endless cycle of violence in Iraq, and he thinks violence will diminish after the Nov. 2 election.

"I believe they (insurgents) are influenced by what they see in our media," he told The Associated Press. "They see if they blow something up it's front-page news ... (and) the presidential candidates will talk about it.

"After Nov. 2, that dynamic will leave. The problem won't go away, but it'll be diminished ... This will be a long process, but there will come a time when the insurgents have less opportunity to create mischief for us," he said.""

[Via Beldar Blog]

Charles Krauthammer on Spinal Cord Injury and Campaigns

Charles Krauthammer weighs in on the Edward's 'Promising the Sky':

" "In my 25 years in Washington, I have never seen a more loathsome display of demagoguery. Hope is good. False hope is bad. Deliberately, for personal gain, raising false hope in the catastrophically afflicted is despicable." "


A Little Friendly Family Election Competition: Part II

My Bush sign is basically a plastic bag with writing on it. My spouse's Kerry sign is made of cardboard and will likely not last through the first rain storm.

Advantage: Bush (again)

Friday, October 15, 2004

Pennsylvania: Court Strikes Nader From Pennsylvania Ballot

The New York Times > Washington > Campaign 2004 > Pennsylvania: Court Strikes Nader From Pennsylvania Ballot:

" "In reviewing signatures, it became apparent that in addition to signing names such as Mickey Mouse, Fred Flintstone, John Kerry and the ubiquitous Ralph Nader, there were thousands of names that were created at random and then randomly assigned either existent or nonexistent addresses by the circulators." "

Embarrassing for my state.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

New Document

New And Recycled Distortions At Final Presidential Debate

""The debates are over and the results are clear: both candidates are incorrigible fact-twisters.

"Bush said most of his tax cuts went to "low- and middle-income Americans" when independent calculations show most went to the richest 10 percent. Kerry claims Bush "cut the Pell Grants" when they've actually increased. Both men repeated misstatements made in earlier debates, and added a few new ones.""

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Two New Swiftvets Ads

Swiftboat Veterans and POW's for Truth have released two more ads titled "They Served" and "Why" and both feature Bud Day. These are the most powerful ads to date.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Reminder: Afghanistan is free now

Jeff Harrell reminds us that Afghanistan is free now!:

""[Afghanistan's free elections] is the kind of story that America is going to forget about quickly. There are no lurid pictures, there's no ongoing scandal … there's no angle at all, really. A bunch of people got together and elected their president. The fact that it's for the first time ever and that it couldn't have happened if not for the sacrifice of the men and women, both American and Afghan, who participated in Operation Enduring Freedom is just a footnote.

I don't think that's right. I think liberating — not "liberating" as a euphemism, but literally liberating, literally making free — a country of 20 million people is the sort of thing that we need to keep talking about for a while. I think it's something we need to remind ourselves of periodically, lest we forget about it.""

[Via The Shape of Days]

Promising the Sky

Promising the sky just to get elected...

""When John Kerry is president, people like Christopher Reeve are going get up out of that wheelchair and walk again.'
- --John Edwards, 11 October, 2004" "

And he knows this how, exactly? If, as Richard Feynman said, 'a scientist looking at nonscientific problems is just as dumb as the next guy', what about a medical malpractice attorney-turned-politician looking at a medical problem? I'll let you answer that for yourself. I knew when I heard that Christopher Reeve had died, that we'd be hearing about it from the Kerry/Edwards campaign somehow. I had no idea they would use the occasion to try to create such false hope.

I'm sure Charles Krauthammer will have plenty to say on this quote in an article I bet he's preparing right now.

10-15-2004: And here it is.

[Via Froggy Ruminations]

Project Vote Smart

Project Vote Smart:

"" Thousands of candidates and elected officials. Who works for you? Who is seeking your vote? Project Vote Smart, a citizen's organization, has developed a Voter's Self-Defense system to provide you with the necessary tools to self-govern effectively: abundant, accurate, unbiased and relevant information. As a national library of factual information, Project Vote Smart covers your candidates and elected officials in five basic categories: biographical information, issue positions, voting records, campaign finances and interest group ratings. What would you like to know?" "

[Via The Shape of Days]

Monday, October 11, 2004

Swift Vets Lock and Load

The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth are preparing several more TV ads to feature Bud Day, winner of the Congressional Medal of Honor. If you haven't yet, read the book and make up your own mind about whether these guys have a point.

[Via Michelle Malkin]

Halliburton Speaks (at last)

A Tough Job, and Halliburton Does It:

"" As the rhetoric heats up further in the few weeks before the election, we hope you will ask yourself: Do I have all the facts?

For instance, there are frequent references to our "no-bid" contract to support the U.S. soldiers in Iraq. The fact is that after a fully competitive and open bid process we were awarded a contract in 2001, well before the war in Iraq, to provide logistical support for U.S. soldiers wherever they might be deployed.

KBR did receive, at the outbreak of the war, a sole-source contract issued under urgent conditions to quickly restore the flow of Iraqi oil. But what you will not often read is that the independent General Accounting Office has since reviewed the contract and reported that it was "properly awarded … to the only contractor [the Defense Department] had determined was in a position to provide the services within the required time frame given classified prewar planning requirements." And you will almost never read that profit margins on these contracts are extremely low and that the oil contract was replaced early this year by one that was competitively bid.

Mischaracterizations and incomplete facts do a grave disservice to the employees and subcontractors who are working in Iraq. Never before has any contractor worked in as dangerous a situation as they are. Halliburton is providing jobs for Americans, and we are supporting the troops with the largest civilian workforce ever assembled in support of a military operation.""


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